The Agreement for cooperation for implementation of effective control over the funds in the field of interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery, was signed last week. The press center of the Fund announced that the Agreement was between the NHIF, the companies in cardiac and interventional cardiology and the national consultants in cardiac surgery and invasive cardiology, announced
The Agreement provides a framework for cooperation between the parties according to their competence, subject to the Bulgarian legislation and applicable regulations. The NHIF informed that within the framework of this cooperation the measures for effective spending of NHIF for cardiology and cardiac surgery are to be developed, while significantly improving the quality of medical services to patients.
“The Parties agreed on the understanding that it is necessary to perform regular and immediate quality control of the procedures performed by a joint expert body that has the power to draft amendments to the relevant legislation, such as:
– in the control activity of the NHIF to include monitoring of the number of the patients diagnosed, but not directed to cardiac surgery or interventional treatment in accordance with European practice and further discussion of these cases by so-called “heart team” including, a cardiologist, an invasive cardiologist and cardiac surgery specialist;
– in cardiac clinical pathways (CP) as a requirement to include a discussion of each case by the so-called “heart team”;
– to perform categorization of the invasive cardiology centers based on the material and technical equipment to perform complex interventions;
– to perform licensing of the high-tech activities – transcatheter valve replacement, aortic endoprosthesis;
– to create a joint expert and ethical working ethical body with clearly defined and disclosed rules of action and the power to impose sanctions. The expert body should have legality substantiated possibility to inspect facilities.” – announced also the Fund.
Today, with a charity campaign in favor of the Fund for treatment of children the Bulgarian Medical Association commemorates the Day of the Bulgarian physician. On October 19, the holiday of St. Ivan Rilski, our physicians traditionally celebrate their professional holiday.
At an official ceremony the winner of this year’s Physician of the Year Award was named – Associate Professor Krum Katzarov, Head of the Clinic of Gastroenterology in MMA.
“All doctors and all citizens can send SMS at a price of BGN 1 to charity, and the donated funds will be transferred directly to the account of the Fund for the children,” said the President of the Medical Association Dr. Tsvetan Raichinov:
“The reason behind this step is that the fund ran out of money and there is an acute need for treatment of children now. That’s why we established this number. The number is 17 777, the text is “fond”, written in Latin, and we hope our doctors and the Bulgarian people to respond.”
Dr. Raichinov commented on the fact that the Bulgarian doctors promote raising of funds for the treatment of children abroad:
“When the state obviously can not allocate the necessary funds, not enough is done, so that these children can be treated here in Bulgaria, and they have to be sent abroad. I think this is a reasonable step.”
The BMA wants the physicians to have guaranteed treatment for infections acquired in the workplace. This was announced by the Professional Association during the Congress of Nephrology in Hissar. The Medical Association undertakes the initiative entitled “Heal our healers”, the aim of which is with legislative changes to ensure payment by the state of the screening for the most common infections faced by physicians. It insists upon infection the medics to be guaranteed the most modern treatment. The doctors, nurses and dentists are among the groups most at risk of infection with hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV – said the deputy chairman of the Bulgarian Medical Association Dr. Cyril Elena:
“The initiative is intended to develop proposals for legislative changes in legislation allowing the medical staff to be treated with priority, with innovative products, with special treatments which would cover the risks associated with the profession. The second part of our activity is to use all our resources and contacts with the media, in order for this initiative to be disseminated and to seek public support – to convince the public that the health of medical professionals should be preserved or restored, so that we can assist our patients.”
There are no problems with the regulatory standards provided for the last quarter of the year. This was announced by the press center of the NHIF in connection with the emerging information that the refferals for specialists have been cut by 20% and those for testing – by 40%. According to the Fund, the difference between the estimated refferals for the last quarter of 2014 and for the fourth quarter of 2013 was 2%, as shown in the table:
Forth quarter of 2013 Forth quarter of 2014
Refferals for consultations with specialist (total) 1 616 359 1 583 098
In connection with acute cases 1 197 621 1 106 306
Dispensary monitoring 418 738 476 792
In 2014, in the National Framework Contract for Medical Activities (NFC for MA 2014) the Bulgarian Medical Association and the NHIF agreed upon a price increase of the examinations, which the institution pays to the specialists for the health insured patients. To comply with the parameters of the National Health Insurance Budget Act, the increase of the funds for examinations is at the expense of the volume of the regulatory standards. The decrease of the refferals for consultations with specialists compared to last year is due to the increased in the number of dispensarised persons with mandatory consultations assigned.
The NHIF informs that the general practitioners and specialists can use an additional 10% above the set quarterly regulatory standards. There is also the possibility of exceeding the regulatory standards by an additional 15% to be compensated in the next quarter, and the unused refferals of the preceding quarter can be absorbed in the current.
There is an option the unused refferals for dispensary monitoring to be transferred for acute cases. Also defined are the reserves in the NHIF and the RHIF, out of which additional resources for general practitioners and specialists should be allocated, if they have expressed such a need.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sotir Marchev, MD, was born in 1961 in Blagoevgrad. He graduated with a gold medal from English High School, and then, also with honors, the Medical University in Sofia. He has two specialities – internal medicine and cardiology. Specialized echocardiography and invasive cardiology and electrophysiology in Vienna, Osaka, Belgrade. He has Accreditation of Echocardiography of the European Society of Cardiology and is an honorary member. Associate Professor of Cardiology at the Medical University in Pleven.
– Assoc. Prog Marchev heart diseases are crucial for the individual, but sometimes also influence history. What is the Bulgarian example?
– Exactly 1000 years ago, on October 6, 1014 Tsar Samuil, seeing his blinded army, died suddenly. After his death, the First Bulgarian Kingdom fell quickly under Byzantine rule. And you can say that this changed the course of history.
– What are people dying from under sudden stress?
– This is a very exploited topic in television series and is a frequent source of fear in everyday life. Recently I saw my patient nervously treading outside his home. I asked him what he was doing. “My favorite football team is playing and now are the penalties. I came out, I do not want to watch and get another heart attack,” he explained. And indeed, during football games it has happened, someone from the spectators to be carried out on a stretcher. Recently a letter from a Mexican writer was broadcasted, whose grandfather died in 1994, after seeing Stoichkov score a goal against Mexico.
– Would he be alive today if he was not watching?
– From 1994 the contemporary cardiology knows the answer. On the 17th of January Los Angeles was shaken by a major earthquake – the richest city in the richest state (California) of the richest country (USA). Earthquakes are an example of the impact of sudden stress on health. During the earthquake, some patients carried Holters for blood pressure monitoring and ECG. The data from the devices shows how patients’ pulse from 85 per minute reaches 160 when the earthquake strikes. There are also records of blood pressure rising from 130/80 before the earthquake to 160/120 during the quake. Then the damages were large; buildings, bridges and trestles collapsed. Insurers and reinsurers went bankrupt. On the day of the earthquake the number of patients with infarction was significantly higher than that on the same day of previous years, when there was no earthquake. But in the weeks after the earthquake, the number of heart attacks appeared to be smaller than on those days in past years. The conclusion is that the heavy sudden stress from the earthquake has caused heart attacks of people who anyway would have had a heart attack in the coming weeks. The stress during the earthquake provoked these attacks.
– Are there other indisputable examples?
– The great earthquake (9th degree on the Richter scale) in Japan on March 11, 2012. The cases of acute coronary syndrome sharply increased after the earthquake at the expense of a decrease below the usual level in their number three months later. To put it bluntly, the answer to the above question is: angry or not – the difference is 3 months of life. The patients who died due to the stress of the football game would probably have had a heart attack in the coming weeks. Tsar Samuil was about 70, and even if the Battle of Klyuch had developed differently, most probably he would have had a heart attack shortly afterwards.
– In your practice have you personally observed the effects of stress?
– The most recent example is from May 24 this year when we had an earthquake in our country. We gathered the Holters of the patients from the hospitals of the Bulgarian Cardiac Institute during the quake. Each person reacts individually, according to his fear of earthquakes. In all the pulse rose, but the usual changes were for example: from pulse 65 per minute before the earthquake to 90 per minute during the quake.
Everything said so far applies, of course, only to the sudden stress and ischemic heart disease. The statistics of the earthquake in Japan in March 2012 showed that in contrast to the acute coronary syndrome, in which the initial increase in cases was offset by further reduction, the incidence of cardiac insufficiency observed only increased without compensatory decrease later.
– How the sudden stress causes cardiac insufficiency?
– We have more data on the effects of sudden stress on women. Usually elderly women on bad news get transient cardiac insufficiency and very few of them die. Most often, after 3-4 weeks almost all recover. This condition is called stress cardiomyopathy. It was first discovered in Japan in 1990. During the illness the left ventricle resembles an amphora.
But in the Japanese history there are no amphorae, nor pots, so they called the disease Taco-tsubo – a Japanese vessel, which most closely resembles the amphora. It is used to catch octopuses. “Taco” means octopus, “tsubo” – cup. We described this disease in Bulgaria for the first time in 2006 and since then it is diagnosed more widely. Most often the patients are elderly women, usually after negative news. For example, one of the patients received ultimative term to repay the loan, but no money. Another who had lost her daughter and herself took care of her granddaughter, was surprised by the 16-year-old girl with the message that she is pregnant. Third patient had suddenly lost her husband. Another patient’s husband was cheating and the whole village knew…
– Diagnosis in women?
– It occurs rarer in men and in young people. For example, a young tinsmith had received taco-tsubo cardiomyopathy, when his employer, rushing to complete the facility, sent him to work on a wet and slippery roof.
The ECG and the laboratory tests of the patient with stress cardiomyopathy are like with acute infarction, but the invasive examination shows that his/her blood vessels are passable. If the invasive tests are not carried, everyone will think it was an infraction. It is caused by stress hormones – adrenaline and noradrenaline, which directly affect the heart muscle. This stress in men, as in Tsar Samuil, can lead to sudden death. In women without coronary artery disease and clean coronary vessels a protective mechanism is triggered and muscle cells cease to respond to the stress hormones. Thus the taco-tsubo cardiomyopathy occurs.
The bad news is that stress can really break your heart, and good – that usually condition resolves in few weeks.
– The advice not to worry is easy to give but difficult to abide by. What else can the medicine offer?
– In 1988, the Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine to Sir James Black for the discovery of the first H2-blocker (cimetidine) and the first beta-blocker (propranolol). For these discoveries the Queen declared him a knight, and hence – the title sir. Beta-blockers are medicines that block the path of the nerves from the brain to the body.
The person is worrying, but this stress does not reach the organs. In all Olympic events associated with shooting (biathlon, shooting, etc.), the beta-blockers are considered doping and banned. The stress of the competition does not reach the shooter’s hand and he shoots more accurately (speaking in medical language beta-blockers reduce peripheral tremor). In young men, beta-blockers have a significant side effect. If they see a beautiful naked woman, the excitement in their brain does not reach their penis, i.e. beta-blockers can cause erectile dysfunction. Of course, women do not develop this side effect.
The beta-blockers reduce sudden death after myocardial infarction. But not all. The beta-blockers, which reduce sudden death, are fat-soluble and enter the central nervous system. Those, which have no preventive effect are water soluble and do not enter the central nervous system. In sudden deaths the modern cardiology considers the brain as the trigger and heart as the target. Or, as the saying goes, “all woes come from the head.”
Interview with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sotir Marchev, MD (04/10/2014; Liubomira Nikolaeva, 24 hours)