• October 14, 2014

    People want control over the health care system, but do not bother to carry it out in person, even if such an opportunity is provided to them. This becomes evident from the report of the NHIF of the issued codes for access to the personal health records. From the introduction of the service in April […]

  • The Health Ministry will purchase almost 40 000 vaccines for a total amount of BGN 4.27 million without a tender, through direct negotiation procedure. The aim is to control the crisis with the 6-valent immunizations. The crisis started as the only company that participated in the summer tender and won it failed to deliver the […]

  • Among them are some of the best-selling medications for pain, flu and allergies. The result of the imposed antimarket one year moratorium on the increase of prices of the over-the-counter medicines is that at the end of the moratorium some of them logically have increased. A total of 112 medicines had price increases in the […]

  • All staff working in hospital pharmacies must have an employment contract with the recpective medical facility which opened the pharmacy. This is provided in the draft amendment to the Ordinance No.28 of the Ministry of Health on the work of pharmacies. The text includes also the pharmacies of the psychiatric, skin and cancer dispensaries, and […]

  • Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a common infectious disease of the lungs that occurs with significant morbidity and mortality. In Europe and America about 4 million cases of CAP lead to 1 million hospitalizations annually. Incidence of pneumonia is variable and depends on patient’s age, increasing in the age group over 60 years. All modern studies […]