• June 22, 2015

    The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the viral shedding of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in South Korea was important, but not a global crisis, reported Reuters the week before. Eight new cases of the disease have been reported in the recent days. 162 people were infected with the virus and 20 people […]

  • Referrals will not be necessary for preventive routine examinations starting 2016 Employees are granted one day paid leave every year to undergo preventive medical examinations. The Health Minister Petar Moskov has already held talks with his colleague Ivaylo Kalfin to allow such a change to the Labour Code. This practice exists in all civilized countries […]

  • At the press conference some days ago the Minister of Health Dr. Peter Moskov stated that at that time the valuation of clinical pathways was like a cat in a bag – no one knew what was in it. He noted that it was unclear how the prices on pathways were formed and what they […]

  • The first health reforms initiated by the government are already happening. With the support of the deputies from the parties Patriotic Front and Alternative for Bulgarian Revival last week were adopted conclusive amendments to the Health Insurance Act, which significantly modify the current system of healthcare. Some of them were met with extreme distrust by […]

  • Metformin is the most commonly used anti-diabetic medicine worldwide. It is generally recognized by experts as the first choice diabetic glucose-lowering drug for glycemic diabetes type 2 (DT2) control – the preferred tool for starting pharmacotherapy according to the international guidelines (the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, the American Diabetes Association and the […]