• June 17, 2015

    Seemingly healthy skin can contain billions of precancerous cells Mutant cells, capable of causing lethal forms of cancer, hide in the body for years, warn British experts, quoted by the “Daily Express”. The authors of the study from Cambridge University and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute found that seemingly healthy and normal functioning skin can […]

  • Swiss scientists have developed a tiny implant that warns of a heart attack a few hours before it takes place. The 14-mm device can be easily implanted under the skin. It regularly measures five indicators, including proteins such as troponin, whose elevated levels signal myocardial injury. The implant sends information to a smartphone or a […]

  • The Health Ministry introduced new specialization rules at the beginning of this year, according to which each clinic is required to conclude an employment contract with the physicians who will work alongside specializing. The aim is to put an end to the free labor of young doctors. The problem is that most young doctors cannot […]

  • Five thousand people less pay contributions to the National Social Security Institute than the people insured in 1993. Bulgarians have been ill almost two times longer in 2014 than in 2003. This is what the data from the National Social Security Institute budget performance since 2003 has shown. 11 years ago the National Social Security […]

  • Due to the lack of quorum on Friday, discussions around the Health Insurance Act will continue early next Wednesday. The idea of splitting the health package into basic and additional has been essentially adopted by a majority in the parliament. On Thursday, the MPs devoted most of their working day to the Health Insurance Act […]