• The Deputy Minister of Health Dr. Sharkov: Health Insurance Contributions will not be raised with absolute certainty

    November 17, 2014

    “Our team’s decision not to increase health contribution is firm. We are absolutely certain.” – This is what the new Deputy Health Minister Dr. Vanya Sharkov said. When he was asked how then more revenue will come into the health system, he said: “More budget revenue can come after a decision of the Council of Ministers upon the proposal of the Minister of Finance. But our concern is to try to keep more funds to remain for the treatment of Bulgarian citizens and block as much as possible the ways in which funds expire. That’s our goal. ”

    Dr. Sharkov repeated the words of the Minister in relation to the status of public hospitals: “The ambition of the Minister of Health, and he has said this several times, is a change in status – they are not companies, so we can say with an honest face that there will be more medicine and no trade.”

    According to him, one of the most important things at the moment is voting on the budget for the next year, particularly the budget of NHIF and the one for the Ministry of Health. „In the long run the ambitions of the team, as whole, the conversations we have had so far, is to make Bulgarian healthcare a bit more accessible and of better quality. And to try this time to have to some degree additional financing through the European funds – something, which so far, unfortunately, has not been done”, – comments Dr. Sharkov.

    The project on which the new team from the Ministry of Health is working is connected with emergency aid and further treatment. “What we have presented at the moment, 85 % of the funds for Emergency aid and 15% – for continued and further treatment of the Bulgarian citizens – is one part of the sector which in Bulgaria has not been developed as needed and should deal with patients who have chronic diseases and need inpatient treatment,” – he further explained.