Five thousand people less pay contributions to the National Social Security Institute than the people insured in 1993.
Bulgarians have been ill almost two times longer in 2014 than in 2003. This is what the data from the National Social Security Institute budget performance since 2003 has shown.
11 years ago the National Social Security Institute paid an average of five days sick-leave. In 2014 the length of sick-leaves had already become nine days, according to the Institute. Of those nine days, after the changes in 2010, the first 3 are paid for by the employer, while the National Social Security Institute pays only for 6 days.
However, its sickness expenses for paying sick-leave benefits have increased more than 3 times from 2003 to 2014. If 11 years ago BGN 110 million were paid for sick-leaves, during the past year the sum was already BGN 340 million. The reason was the increased amount of pay for sick-leave was due to the higher wages at the time, explained experts from the Institute. The increased illness duration, on the other hand, is due to the changes in the rules for issuing sick-leave – for flu the sick-leave has already become five days, not 3, as it was 3 years ago.
The insured Bulgarians have decreased by 500 000 people from 1993 to 2013, as it becomes clear from the statistics of the Institute. In 1993, 3.030 million working people paid contributions, while in 2013 – the number was 2.4 million people.
The year with the highest number of contributors was 1997, when 3.2 million people paid contributions. The year with the lowest number of contributors was 2002 – only 2 million people paid for health insurance then.
The annual pensions’ payment costs of the Institute in 2003-2014 increased by BGN 5 billion. Eleven years ago BGN 2.8 billion were paid for pensions, while last year a record of BGN 8.1 billion was reached. The NSSI deficit escalated from BGN 500 million to BGN 1.8 billion per year for the same period.
Five times more Bulgarians died before retirement age.
The death benefits of an insured person, who paid the National Social Security Institute, has increased five times for the period of 10 years. In 2003, only BGN 480 thousand were paid for such benefits, while in 2013 – the sum was nearly BGN 2 million. The benefits for a person who died before qualifying for his/her pension rights, were paid to 10 052 heirs.
The amount the National Social Security Institute hands out to the heirs of deceased insured Bulgarians is BGN 540. It is distributed equally among the heirs – spouse or children. According to the Institute, the average amount of compensation received by an heir decreased from BGN 213.20 in 2003 to BGN 193.95 in 2013. An heir received the highest amount in 2007 – BGN 309.17.
Due to the lack of quorum on Friday, discussions around the Health Insurance Act will continue early next Wednesday.
The idea of splitting the health package into basic and additional has been essentially adopted by a majority in the parliament.
On Thursday, the MPs devoted most of their working day to the Health Insurance Act changes, introduced by Minister Petar Moskov. The draft bill went to second reading, where each paragraph is to be voted separately.
The deputies managed to adopt the first three paragraphs, which regulate the technical removal of the word “basic” package from the current law. This means that the main division of the packages into basic and additional is already a fact, although the whole bill is still far from being adopted.
Up to this moment the law stated: “The compulsory healthcare insurance provides a basic package of health services guaranteed by the NHIF budget.” The word “basic” has been removed from this text. The change has been adopted with the votes of the ruling majority.
According to the Minister of Health both – public payments and patients’ out-of-pocket payments – have been increasing during the last ten years. However, the nation’s health indicators have not been improving, but have been getting worse than the European average, explained the Health Minister.
According to Petar Moskov, the argumentation that each patient had been receiving timely treatment for everything then was obviously false and this was easily verifiable and indisputable. For this reason, Moscov believes that the introduction of a basic and an additional package would ensure 100% coverage of the main causes of the nation’s ill health indicators. Which activities would be placed in the basic package and which – in the additional one still remains unknown. The Ministry of Health is to issue a Regulation regarding this issue.
“The person suffering from heart attack will be admitted to hospital immediately, but whoever wakes up with a pimple on his cheek – will have to wait a little,” defended the idea of Moscov the MP from party GERB Semir Abu Melih.
The session on Friday was not held. The reason was that the MPs failed to form a quorum three times.
It was expected that day that the MPs would begin working on the draft bill with a text, with which almost no group in Parliament agreed – the one to increase the state quota in the NHIF Supervisory Board. The text provides its representatives be increased from four to six, thus the state would receive complete advantage over the other supervisory members. The argument of the Minister for proposing this text was that it would secure the ministry the ability to perform smoothly the policy, which it produced and implemented, and be held responsible for it. The arguments of the opponents of the idea were that the state is among the most defaulting payers of health insurance.
Currently the Supervisory Board of the NHIF consists of nine members, the state representatives being four and those of employers, trade unions and patient organizations – a total of five.
After the failed Parliament Friday session, the adopting of the HIA can continue early next Wednesday.
Immunotherapy is one of the experimental methods for tumor treatment. This approach is based on the understanding that a key to the origins, development and outcome of malignant neoplasms is the immune system. In this line of thought, if the functional status of the latter is fortified in the right way, it is likely that it is activated to such an extent that it would control the tumor process.
There are 4 types of antitumor immunotherapy. The first type is called active non-specific immunotherapy. It refers to substances of natural or synthetic origins. They are introduced into the bloodstream and cause the global activation of all immune system components, including those responsible for antitumor protection.
For example, it was shown that the components of the BCG vaccine can activate anti-tumor white blood cells. This effect is used in the experimental treatment of carcinoma of the bladder and of malignant melanoma. The vaccine is injected into tumor masses and directed the activated the immune cells to the neoplastic process. In some patients, however, the effect is contrary to the desired one. This explains why the considered type of immunotherapy has not been a uniform way for treating these tumors.
Another interesting example of non-specific active immunotherapy is the use of viruses for the experimental treatment of certain tumors. The Duke University, USA, has conducted a clinical study in which the cells of malignant brain tumor – glioblastoma, were infected with a modified embodiment of the polio virus. In statistically significant percentage of cases, this lead to both the direct death of the infected tumor cells and the activation of the immune system which fiercely attacked them.
The second type of anti-tumor immunotherapy is active specific immunotherapy. It is implemented through a variety of vaccines containing molecules found in tumor cells. This means that immunotherapy is directed towards this tumor and does not activate the entire immune system, but only the part of it that is responsible for anti-tumor protection. This is the most intensive form of developing immunotherapy and high hopes have been laid on it.
Interesting forms of this type of immunotherapy are DNA vaccines. Through them the tumor cells are inserted in the so called plasmids that make the cells more visible to the immune system. Vaccines with the so called dendritic cells which are pre-activated tumor killers are also being developed.
The third type of anti-tumor immunotherapy is passive humoral immunotherapy. It consists in introducing specific anti-tumor antibodies in the organism. The latter are fastened to the surface of tumor cells and thus direct the immune system thereto. A serious problem here is the significant antigenic variability of malignant tumors. Therefore, in some cases, the antibodies appear to be “outdated” and are not taken where needed.
The last type is gene immunotherapy. This is the most original and highest form of experimental treatment. The idea of this therapy is to achieve the genetic apparatus of the specific tumor and, figuratively speaking, to suppress the “bad” genes, and stimulate the “good” ones. Gene therapy carries risks for normal cells. Therefore it is subject to strict control.
In conclusion, we can say that science is continuously evolving and perhaps every day it takes a step forward towards improvement. The numerous experimental studies in the field of immunotherapy are an embodiment of this statement. Some forms of immunotherapy give encouraging results. Being still an experimental treatment, however, immunotherapy is the last line of treatment in oncology.
The system also allows performing Regional Professionals Search
The new register of the Bulgarian Medical Association (BMA), which allows any citizen to obtain information about a specific physician, was presented to the Healthcare Commission in the National Assembly last Thursday.
The database with public access will allow patients to see where a doctor works, the doctor’s specialty, to get his/her contact information, and to see the location of his/her workplace on the map. The system also enables to perform Regional Professionals Search.
Dr. Julian Yordanov from the BMA said that the register was part of an overall system that turned the BMA into a Medical Chamber with basic functions such as continuing medical education and professional development, which were set out in the European directives.
Each physician will be able to monitor what is posted on his/her profile and when there are inaccuracies, they can be edited. The BMA stated that the information in the register was maintained and updated by the administration of regional collegia, so doctors should turn to them for changes in their status.
Through the system the BMA Accreditation Council will monitor the credits acquired by a doctor participating in conferences and seminars. The database in turn is linked with the European Professional Card for doctors allowing the free movement of physicians in the EU. It has required elements and a chip. So, when a doctor goes to an EU country, he/she will be easily recognized, which would free him/her from the inconvenience to carry a pile of papers along. The BMA registers can be entered directly through the new document. The Accreditation Council has to establish rules for good medical practice by specialty. They will be defending the physicians and if it comes to appeal, they will serve as a criterion whether the doctor has done his/her job well.
It is foreseen that in future the functions of the registers will increase. One of the functions will be the data availability to be used when entering into contracts with the Health Insurance Fund. “Doctors will be able to issue membership certificates. Currently in the months of January and February there formed huge queues at the collegia to issue such certificates. In the future they will be able to print them and they will have a unique code, to be assigned to the NHIF.
Technically this is ready, but there are some problems. One of them is that the Fund has to recognize the legitimacy of these certificates,” explained experts from the BMA.
The NHIF has offered the BMA to begin negotiations to reduce clinical pathway prices. The BMA immediately replied that they disagreed, and instead wanted an update of the NHIF budget by BGN 150 million.
Obviously, the NHIF is facing increasing pressure to pay more than they have. The problem has become more severe over time and a budget revision will be inevitable. The proposed mechanical reduction of pathway prices by a certain percentage is not a good solution.
Instead of figuring out on the calculators how many BGN they can save from each pathway, the NHIF and the BMA can achieve much more in their negotiations. Here are some ideas:
It has long been time for a significant part of the clinical pathways to be transferred to outpatient care. For example, all pathways providing same day surgery, diagnostic and therapeutic pathways that do not necessarily require hospitalization, skin disease pathways ENT, eye care, etc. The National Framework Agreement has now provided 5 pathways for outpatient care, and the analysis shows that their number could increase to 100. If they are implemented in outpatient care, their prices can be reduced and this would not be unfair as the costs would be less.
Another thing the BMA and the NHIF could agree upon is the introduction of price indices in pathways. It makes a difference whether a 25-year-old in his/her prime is treated or an 80 years old patient. It is logical that the costs of treating an elderly person would be higher; therefore, introducing an age factor patient index would be fair. The same applies to the presence or absence of chronic concomitant diseases. Obviously, for the sick person who has received abdominal surgery and has concomitant diabetes there would be more expenses than if there were no diabetes. Therefore, it is only fair to introduce indices in terms of the presence or absence of serious chronic diseases.
The third thing the NHIF and the BMA could negotiate is to allow outsourcing for the clinical pathway activities – their execution by external contractors. These may include laboratory and imaging tests, pathology, etc. This would allow hospitals to avoid unnecessary costs for personnel and equipment, and hence would reduce the pressure for hospital admissions at any cost.
The next thing the NHIF could accomplish even on its own is to review its reimbursement list. Minimum reimbursement for home treatment medicines is proportional to maximum hospitalization. The NHIF should increase the reimbursement of these medicines, particularly antibiotics, and this way it would reduce the “interest” of patients in being hospitalized. The same applies to some difficult tests as CAT, EMG, MRI, EEG, etc. Facilitating the access to them would be cheaper than paying for the same via clinical pathways.
Finally, clinical pathway prices are certainly not inviolable. We do not need a very thorough analysis to see that there are both under evaluated (in most cases) and overpriced pathways. Therefore, individual pathway price negotiations should not be excluded a priori.
Reaching an agreement on these issues is fully achievable trough negotiations, and there is hardly a better time than the present.
This means that the NHIF and the BMA should start negotiations for a National Framework Agreement Annex, as opposed to negotiations under Article 12 of the contract. Such negotiations did not have to not be postponed till the 1st of June. They could have begun immediately.