June 14, 2015 marks the 10th anniversary from the creation of the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the University Hospital “St. Marina” at the Medical University in Varna “Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov.” For this occasion, on the 12th and 13th of June, a Conference in Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery will be organized in Varna under […]
Prosecutors and medical auditors will audit the hospitals together “Red Phone” between the Prosecution and the Ministry of Health will fight the attacks on emergency medics. This will create a direct channel of communication between the teams of Sotir Tsatsarov and Petar Moskov. This became clear after a meeting between the heads of the two […]
Parents are “against” the mandatory vaccines. In an open letter to the state institutions they insist the vaccination calendar to be voluntary. Within only five days more than 3200 people have signed the petition for voluntary vaccination of children. Parents insist to have the right to decide whether and when to have their children immunized. […]
The government approved changes to the National Programme for primary prevention of cervical cancer in the Republic of Bulgaria 2012-2016, which provide for extension of the target group subject to immunization program by including 13 year old girls, informed the press office of the Council of ministers. A two-dose mode of conducting the immunization scheme […]
Last week, the cabinet approved and will put to a vote in the National Assembly the proposed by the Minister of Health Petar Moskov changes in the Health Insurance Act related to hospitals, pay for medicines, collection of health insurance and others. The goals of the reform are twofold – to increase revenue in the […]